Atelier Iris ~Eternal Mana 2~ OST
Release date
JP May 18, 2005
2 CDs
Atelier Iris ~Eternal Mana 2~ OST is one of the official soundtracks for Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny.
Disc One[]
- 01 - Eternal Story (Full version)
- 02 - キズナ Bonds
- 03 - 刻まれた歴史 Engraved History
- 04 - せせらぎ豊かに At the Murmuring Brook
- 05 - それいけ新米錬金術士 Go Novice Alchemist
- 06 - 風に乗る大陸 Continent That Rides the Wind
- 07 - そよ風と大地 Gentle Breeze and the Earth
- 08 - 木魂ころころ Tumbling Tree Spirit
- 09 - あの子のお店は大繁盛? That Kid's Shop Is Successful?
- 10 - 旅路は続く The Journey Continues
- 11 - 陽炎の大地 Blazing Earth
- 12 - 剣よ輝け Shining Sword
- 13 - 勝利はこの手に Victory Is in Our Hands
- 14 - 小さな屋根の下で Under a Small Roof
- 15 - オアシスの街 Oasis Town
- 16 - 隠された秘宝 Hidden Treasure
- 17 - 秘術解禁 Revealing the Secret Arts
- 18 - 紋章 Crest
- 19 - 帝都の影 Shadow of the Imperial Capital
- 20 - 大橋 Big Bridge
- 21 - DANGER!
- 22 - Terrestrial
- 23 - ヴィーゼと愉快な仲間たち The Wise and Happy Footmen
- 24 - どきどき洞窟探検 Exciting Cave Exploration
- 25 - 精霊のふるさと Hometown of the Spirit for EM2
- 26 - 想いは彼方へ Emotions Sent Yonder
- 27 - 響く鼓動 Resounding Heartbeat
- 28 - 道なき山 Mountain Road
- 29 - 海だー! It's the Sea!
- 30 - ビーチで探検 Exploration at the Beach
- 31 - 自由の旗 Flag of Freedom
- 32 - 草原行く少年 Boys on the Plains
- 33 - 進撃 Charge
- 34 - 野望は胸の中に Ambitions in the Heart
- 35 - 春風 Sleeping Girl
- 36 - のんびりお買い物 Carmine
- 37 - Demise
- 38 - Change!
Disc Two[]
- 01 - Spring Breeze
- 02 - Carefree Shopping
- 04 - 深淵の顎 Mandible of the Abyss
- 05 - 皇牙 Emperor Fangs
- 06 - ともだちの輪 Circle of Friends
- 07 - 困ったときのボケ頼み Dumb Request at an Embarrassing Time
- 08 - 深緑の地 Deep Green Earth
- 09 - 不思議なお友達 Mysterious Friend
- 10 - 木の葉 Foliage
- 11 - 闇の足音 Footsteps of Darkness
- 12 - 失われた詩 Lost Poem
- 13 - 真実 Truth
- 14 - 明日もがんばろう Let's Do Our Best Again Tomorrow
- 15 - 今日は快晴 Nice Weather Today
- 16 - ダンシング・コダマ Dancing Kodama
- 17 - 地下道を行く To the Underground Tunnel
- 18 - 砂塵 Grit
- 19 - Marduk
- 20 - Time of Overflowing Sadness
- 21 - 悲しみ溢れるとき Memories in Sepia
- 22 - セピア色の記憶 Revolutionary Time
- 23 - 革命の刻 Holy Power
- 24 - 聖なる力 Crimson Omen
- 25 - 紅の兆し Seething Fighting Spirit
- 26 - 沸き立つ闘志 The Mystery Deepens
- 27 - 謎は深まる Folklore
- 28 - 伝承 Epitaph
- 29 - 碑文 The Legacy
- 30 - 飛鳥 Flying Bird
- 31 - 空の回廊 Sky Corridor
- 32 - 危険地帯 Danger Zone
- 33 - Slasher Blue
- 34 - 決断の刻 Decision Time
- 35 - 蒼空の決戦 Decisive Battle in the Blue Sky
- 36 - Red Lucifer Rising
- 37 - 約束の場所 Promised Place
- 38 - 旅立ちの扉 The Door to the Journey
Album's front cover artwork.
Back cover artwork and song list.
Japanese Song List:
English Song List:
CD Information:
See Also[]
v · d · eMain Series Soundtracks |
| Salburg Series | | | Gramnad Series | | | Iris Series | | | Mana-Khemia Series | | | Arland Series | | | Twilight Series | | | Mysterious Series | | | |