Atelier Wiki

The Barrel Squirrel is an enemy that appears in Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland and Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.

Atelier Totori[]

"A squirrel with a barrel. They may look innocent, but they have a penchant for throwing barrels at people. No one knows where they keep all those barrels."
Atelier Totori description
Enemy Info
Level Type Health Defense Attack Speed Skills Locations Drops
1 Squirrel 20 4 9 7 Alanya Area Magic Grass, Nuse

Atelier Meruru[]

"A squirrel with a barrel. It must be pretty strong if it can toss around a barrel. But also skittish, since they scare easily and run off."
Atelier Meruru description

A relatively low level rabbit enemy encountered at the Old Plateau and Pioneer Village. Their stronger counterparts are the T. Bomb Squirrel. It has a chance to drop both Eiche and Fest, two very versatile items used in synthesis. 

Enemy Info
Level Type Health Defense Attack Speed Skills Locations Drops
14 Squirrel 63 10 19 20 Poison Throw, Flee Old Plateau, Pioneer Village Eiche, Fest

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Atelier Totori Monsters
Regular Encounters
AphostolArctic PenguinAudraBarrel SquirrelBasalt DragonBehemothBlack DemonBlue PuniBox SquirrelBunny PuniBunny PuniCoastal PenguinDark MessengerDonarnEar PuniFighting GoatFresvergGhostGiant BugGold-haired RamGreen PuniGriffonGriffonianIsle FishJagd WolfMandragoraPenguin MonkPot SquirrelPunincarnateQueen BeeRaum LizardRocSalamandraScare PhantomScissor BugSpike BugT. Bomb SquirrelTropical PenguinValoshunWitch RoseWolf
Black DragonDragonElder GriffonEvil FaceFlauschtrautFran PfeilGlass ElementIron GiantIron Giant ProtoJewel ElementOzean KaiserQueen BeeRage BeastScarletWasteland Beast
Vita Exclusive
Blood ElementCombat SkullGuardianMask d'AMaske d'PMask d'R
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Atelier Meruru Monsters
Regular Encounters
AphostolBarrel SquirrelBasalt DragonBehemothBerserkerBlack DemonBlazing PenguinBlue PuniBunny PuniCarrot BunnyCrystal PixieFighting GoatFire PixieFlamareFlora PixieFresvergGan CeannGhostGiant BugGold-haired RamGreen PuniGriffonianGuardianIce PixieIron BunnyIsle FishJagd WolfLiving ArmorMandragoraNohornPenguin MonkPhantom KnightPrickly BunnyRaum LizardReptalienRiotous StallionRocSalamandraScare PhantomScissor BugSpectreSpike BugT. Bomb SquirrelTropical PenguinTurnip BunnyUnicornWarlordWitch RoseWolf
AirshatterDear ElementDeath WingDual ReaperElder GriffonEternity GoddessForest SpiritFran PfeilDragonGhost BoxHell MaidenMasked GLizard ChiefPterosaurRage BeastTwilight MaidenWyvernVoid Maiden
DLC Bosses
Hammer BunnyHeaven's DragonMachina of GodSquirmeruerrelSquirronaTotoirrelTower's Devil