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This is a list of all necessary events to see Juris' ending in Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk

Juris cannot be recruited until many of Nanaca's events have been completed. Many of Juris' events are intertwined with Kyle's. It is recommended to complete Kyle's events while working on Juris' ending. When going to slay the dragon, Linca must be in the party in order for her ending to completed.

  1. Juris has four friendship events when he reaches a friendship level of 10, 24, 30 and 35. All of these can be triggered by travelling to wooded areas when Juris is in the active party.
  2. Win a battle with Juris in the party when Ayesha is level 25 or higher for an event.
  3. After completing the "Hell Soup" request for Kyle, return to Hornheim when Juris' friendship level is above 15 for the first event with the Silver Wolf.
  4. After seeing the Silver Wolf in Hornheim, leave and go to the nearby Cliffside Path for an event. Ayesha will write the "Silver Wolf" memory in her diary.
  5. 30 days after getting the "Silver Wolf" memory, return to the Cliffside Path with Juris and fight the Silver Wolf. This will complete the "Silver Wolf" memory.
  6. After slaying the Silver Wolf, return to Hornheim and visit Kyle at the tavern for an event.
  7. Visit the Oesten Marsh with Juris to for a dragon sighting event.
  8. Return to the Oesten Marsh again on a separate occasion to talk with Juris about the dragon sighting from earlier.
  9. Go to the Cliffside Path near Hornheim to get a second sighting of the dragon.
  10. After you have rescued Nio and enter into Year 3, go to Ayesha's workshop in Horneheim. Juris will visit Ayesha and ask her to help him slay the dragon.
  11. To find the dragon, travel to the Salt Desert and go to the Lighthouse. Juris must be in the party, and it is also recommended to bring Linca (in order to complete her ending). Slay the dragon for the "Ancient Dragon Slaying" trophy.
  12. Return to Hornheim for a final event at Ayesha's workshop. This will finish the "Helping Juris" objective and award the "Ancient Dragon Slaying" memory in the diary.
  13. At the end of the game, choose to see Juris in order to unlock his final ending. This will reward you with the "Hunter Life" trophy.

See Also[]


Spoiler warning! puni puni.
Plot and/or ending details follow.