Atelier Wiki

Franke Field is one of the unlockable gathering locations in Atelier Lina: The Alchemist of Strahl. The player can access the location from Hengst Town.

Unlock Requirement[]

Atelierlina franke1

Franke Field

Adventure Level 3
Alchemy Level 1
Date Day 26 Month 1 Year 853
Place Hengst

Addtionally, the player must visits Gerald at least once after delivering Phoenix Feather for the tutorial quest.

Once the player fulfilled the requirements, visits Hengst to encounter an event with Gerald and unlock the location.


Franke Field


Gathering Point

Leftmost bush near the river
Adventure Level: 3


Middle of the river
Adventure Level: 3


Tree with mushrooms
Adventure Level: 3


Adventure Level: ?


Adventure Level: ?


Monster List[]

Event List[]

  • First Meeting with Keith

Atelier Lina: The Alchemist of Strahl

Atelier Lina Logo
Playable Character
Lina AlterierLuon VolkGerard DocheFarrah Wesheit

Herrenlose "Helen" SpadaMarcherra "Cherra" WaschenKeith Russel
Eselin "Lin" FreedenBoris Mcrae

Support Character
Fairy ElderMola OwlAlister CapelMile BeckerRathore BochmanRoseCrude EinhardSasha ElmentKirim KshathraChelsea LiebefrauToga CapelHenry DiltheyColetteNunnaly CellbaneJin CzerniAaron Talbot
Fairy ForestHengst (Mora's General StoreAlister's ForgeRathore's JewelryMile's SupermarketRose's Pharmacy) ● Schuellein (Crude's General StoreSasha's PharmacyKirim's Jewelry) ● Felsen (Toga's ForgeHenry's JewelryChelsea's Pharmacy)● Moog (Colette's General StoreNunnaly's Supermarket) ● Pesca (Aaron's ForgeJin's Supermarket)
Gathering Location
Rocken ForestAmul LakesideFranke Field

Lotte BeachFelsen TunnelKale HighlandsDesert Temple
Underground ShrineUnderground Shrine - CorridorUnderground Shrine - DepthFairies' Backyard

List of alchemy tools in Atelier LinaList of carriages and upgrades in Atelier LinaList of recipes in Atelier LinaItem List
AmityList of monstersList of eventsList of endingsOpening Theme: Flora