Atelier Wiki
Atelier Wiki
A11 item 052
Synthesis Category Atelier Rorona/Totori/Meruru
Mystery, Jewel, Supplement
Atelier Escha & Logy
Mystery, Jewel
Element Atelier Escha & Logy
Fire, Wind
Gathering Location Atelier Totori
Ancient Monastery, Liechtein Scehnle, Northern Ruins, Outer Islets
Atelier Meruru
Endless Corridor
Atelier Escha & Logy
Old Highway, Southern Ruins
Monster Drop Atelier Rorona
Aphostol, Ghost, Fear
Atelier Totori
Ghost, Scare Phantom
Atelier Meruru
Living Armor, Spectre, Phantom Knight, Gan Ceann
Atelier Escha & Logy
Deep Woods Spirit, Mirage Element, Yellow Element
Buy From Atelier Rorona
Cole's Shop
Atelier Meruru
Pamela's Shop
Atelier Escha & Logy
Katla's Shoppe

Pendelook (Pendelock in the Dusk series, Pendeloch in the Mysterious series) is a material found in the Arland, Dusk and Mysterious sub-series.

Atelier Rorona[]

"A stone that is said to be the crystallized spirit of the dead. Each one of them is shaped differently, but they all weigh the same. Weird..."
Atelier Rorona description

A beautiful gemstone that is somewhat rare, and dropped from ghost-type enemies. Pamela will ask for Pendelook as part of her Friend Quests. Cole may randomly sell Pendelook as part of his inventory during one of his monthly sales.

Atelier Totori[]

"A stone with powerful spiritual energy. Sone say it is a crystallized soul of the dead. Ghost monsters drop it so it might not be so far-fetched."
Atelier Totori description

Atelier Meruru[]

"A stone with powerful spiritual energy. Some say it's a crystallized soul. I'm okay with ghosts as long as they're like Ms. Pamela."
Atelier Meruru description

Low quality Pendelook's can be purchased from Pamela's shop. You can only gather them from the Endless Corridor in the later years of the game.

The best source for the item is from ghost knight enemies (such as the Spectre and Phantom Knight, both found at the Modis Ruins).

Atelier Escha & Logy[]

A15 Pendelook Lv Description
8 A pale blue crystal said to be the soul and tears of a mystic force.
Ele. Fire Ele. Water Ele. Wind Ele. Earth
10 0 10 0
Category Traits Property
Gather Location Drop Monster
Old Highway
Southern Ruins
Deep Woods Spirit
Mirage Element
Yellow Element

Atelier Shallie[]

Atelier Sophie[]

Atelier Firis[]

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Atelier Rorona Ingredients
Plants, Mushrooms, Vegetables and Lumber
Candied BranchColbaltberryCotton FlowerDark CoralDreamy CrownDunkelheitEicheEicheloaForest CabbageGlow GrassMagic GrassMandra RootMidnight FlowerMudheadNight LadyNuse (Plus Version)PoisonheadPrism CoralShadow GrassSour AppleTriberriesUni
Gunpowder, Ores, Jewels and Fuel
BeehiveChainwebFestFuel DirtGlobe SphereGlow SandGravistoneIron ClayMarineliteMetal OreOriginal GemPebblePhlogistonQuake CrystalSnow StoneStar PieceStim StoneSunny Crystal
Monster & Animal Products
Audra's TailBeast FurBeast SkinDead BeastDragon TuskDragon ScaleForgotten BonePuniballSome Egg
Mystery, Spirit & Poisons
Isle AmberMermaid TearPendelookSome SloughSwirly Shell
Dark DewMilky SapSea PuddleWater
Sundries, Threads & Supplements
Cotton FlowerFlourHiding Cloud
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Plants, Mushrooms, Vegetables and Lumber
BambooBeehiveBlacktree LumberBlue FruitCoco FruitCotton FlowerCryptobotanyEdge AloeEicheFairy World TreeFresh MintIncense BarkLiving CactusMagic GrassMandra RootMed Tree RootMoonlight FlowerMudheadNusePurple GrapeRed FruitSage HerbSea GrassSerenity FlowerSonne FruitSponge FruitTar FruitUniWheatWinding GrassWorld Tree Twig
Gunpowder, Ores, Jewels and Fuel
Beast StoneBlack RunestoneBless StoneBlue SandBomb FishChainwebDistill StoneFertilizerFestFuel DirtGravistoneIsle AmberKometMetal OreOriginal GemPendelookPetrified LizardPhlogistonPretty ShellQuake CrystalRock SaltShining SaucerSnow StoneStar PieceStench StoneStim StoneSunny CrystalWispstone
Monster & Animal Products
Audra's TailAzure WingBehemoth HeartBitter WormDead BeastDragon ScaleDragon TuskFluffy FurForgotten BoneGoat HornVenom Gland
Mystery, Spirit & Poisons
Bounce StoneMermaid TearSea StarSwirly ShellWorld Spirit
Chariot MilkDark DewForest DewSea PuddleSmelly LiquidWater
Sundries, Threads & Supplements
Broken ItemButterfly FishFragrant BugDizzy Cap SporeGold ScarabHoneypot AntLiving FossilPuni MushroomPuniballSeahorseSmall SardineSome EggSpike TunaStar LadybugStockfishStrawberry Bug
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Plants, Mushrooms, Vegetables and Lumber
Balloon FruitBambooBeehiveBlue FruitCarrotCotton FlowerDiamond TreeEicheEicheloaFairy World TreeFlame PlantFlower NectarForest AnemoneFresh MintGhost HouseGlow GrassGomphrenaGreen LeafHappy ParasolHard PotatoHoly Tree LeafIncense BarkIron TreeJewel BeanLotusMagic GrassMandra RootMed Tree RootMudheadNight LadyNuseOil FruitPlain GrassPurple GrapeRed FruitRockroomRoyal CrownRubber TreeSage HerbSerenity FlowerTar FruitTree FruitWheatWheat GrainWinding GrassWorld Tree TwigUni
Gunpowder, Ores, Jewels and Fuel
Beast StoneBeehiveBlack OreBlack RunestoneBlessed StoneBounce StoneChainwebDistill StoneFestFertilizerFuel DirtGlitter SandGravistoneIsle AmberMagma StoneMineral DropMountain PearlOld ArmorPendelookPhlogistonQuake CrystalRainbow FragmentRock SaltSea PuddleShell FossilShining SaucerSnow StoneStar PieceStench StoneStim StoneWispstoneWorthless Rock
Monster & Animal Products
Audra's TailAzure WingBehemoth HeartBird WingDead BeastDevil HornDragon MeatDragon ScaleDragon TuskFluffy FurGoat HornLizard TailManePuniballUnicorn HornWyvern Claw
Mystery, Spirit & Poisons
Abyssal SoulEternity FlameGlobe SpherePollutantSomething BurntSpirit PyroxeneVenom GlandWorld Spirit
Blessed WaterChariot MilkForest DewOintment WaterSparkling WaterWater
Sundries, Threads & Supplements
Ancient RubbishBroken ItemInvisible BagMedicine ThreadOriginal SoilPaintingSome EggVintage PotUndying Wind
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Atelier Escha & Logy Items
Material Item
Bullet SeedWind FlowerEarth FlowerWater FlowerFire FlowerBent ScrewRusty CogGrain ScrapsAntique StoneScrap MetalMixed OilPaper ScrapsGarden StonePendelockEternal LiquidSoul VineGreen SoilCrimson SoilUltramarine SoilAmber SoilLethe GrassRiver WaterLegged RadishBuoyant GasBlaze OreUnburning WebLotusMantis BladeFairy SoulBubbling WaterSlag AntennaSlag MemorySlag HeartSlag CableAncient JerkyRough DiskBendy MateriaRot Snake SkinKing's WingDragon FinDragon CrystalDragon CoreDrying SandJunkBuried BombJet Black CubeSky King FossilSky WasabiNoble BerryHeaven's BranchWing PlantJelly GemWater SourceMoon MilkEmpty CoreAppleGreen ApplePoison AppleGolden AppleSpiky FruitSpiky BudGold Spiky FruitTaunMutated TaunTrio TaunMoss GrassBitter GrassDried GrassTaroHard TaroDecade TaroSalatFresh SalatWhite SalatSmoke MushroomDarkness ShootBitter LeafSalt LeafDried RootRich RootFlame RootEarth RootBeast MeatFresh MeatGold MeatBig BoneBlack BoneDragon BoneBird EggSea Bird EggExt. Bird EggPale ClayLiving ClayPhlogistonAqua LightWind CoreEarth StoneGreen GemstoneBlue GemstoneRouge GemstoneShining CrystalCorundum StoneEternal CrystalAurora StoneNight CrystalGlass CoreScorching OreDiamond GemstoneBeehiveSilver HiveGolden HiveBitter MelonOld MelonHoney MelonSugar Tree SapMilch BeanJewel BeansBig Milch BeanRed DevilBlue DevilBitter Tree SeedEpicure NutAnti-Bug GrassFragrant ChipsCharcoal PiecesPurify BlockLady's WhiskersGolden YarnMysterious SilkAntique MossFreshwater MossMountain FeatherEagle FeatherParadise FeatherWord Stone-StarWord Stone-MoonWord Stone-SunWord Stone-SeaWord Stone-ManVerdure GrassLucky CloverOblivion CloverHoney PoppyDunkelheitWhite FlowerRed FlowerPurple FlowerWaterClean WaterSpring WaterLiquid CrystalWater CrystalEicheRiver WoodMossy DriftwoodAncient RootThin FruitRipe FruitFully Ripe FruitFluoriteLava StoneDried FatGhost ClothIfrit BreathBlack WaterFire Slag StoneIce Slag StoneSky Slag StoneEarth Slag StoneHard ClawRuler's ClawCrystal ClawSoft FurCryptid FurQuality FurSilver FurDragon TailLiving TailFairy TailDragon ScaleDragon FangBeast FangBlack FangSpirit MagnetTime FlowerPreserved BiscuitDried Taro ChipsCloud FinancierMelting JewelsSweet StumpFire Lord's Bless
Usable Item
CraftBombIce BombLightning BombLiving BombLava CubeDivine JarDemon EyeTitan HammerPoly. PoisonSlag FigureDimension BombDream BookKnowledge BookRoten BlitzFlava BlitzGuryun BlitzAirto BlitzTauzent BlitzOmega CraftDire BombEis Ice BombBlitz StoneHealing SalveHealing CloudClear JellyMusic BoxSP MedicineHealing AromaHeal BandageCup of LifeElixirDragon's SecretImmune MedicineMagical PaintTime WatchSlag StatueGoddess ShieldEye-OpenerGold Curse RingDemon CrucibleCommand ChimeMedicine BreadApple TartForbidden CandyPancake StackFruit RationApple StorySquash TeaCuring PowderVeggie SoupRefuel OintmentMedical BandageHoly ChaliceElixir BaseSlag EssenceAngel PowderTraveler's RationFruit PieHealthy RationTrad. MedicineStrong PowderRich Potage
Synthesis Item
CardboardIron ClayBlack PowderFreezing GasSprayWood ChipsIron PlateCloth ScrapsMystery LanternPlant NutrientsDowsing RodBeast King ReliefHeavenly SpiritsMixed LubricantPreserved TabletCrystal BallPurple CrystalYellow CrystalGreen CrystalComet Crest StoneAncient ScrollReverent IncenseCapacitive PaperBurning GasSun FlowerPurifying LiquidPrecious StoneBi-color CorundumPolarized GemAbrasiveGold DustMulti-patchFive Grain FlourZiegel NuggetNatural ExtractMoon TabletDistilled WaterAllgemein BoardMagic FiberAutomatic DriveZettelLeatherPowdered GlassHandmade PotteryPressed OilGlass RodDried HerbsHoneyStrong YarnFluffy WhipMelty MetalPolished CrystalMedical SolutionNeutralizer-RNeutralizer-BNeutralizer-GNeutralizer-YWindmill PartsFlight Gas JarSpirit Gem3rd Gen EngineSlumber IncenseEinzel SteelPurify BottleFertilizerCanned FoodBurning SpiceFlowing MetalApple JamHeart of FlameConcealing SkinAngel RibbonGlorious NoteSpirit GarlandSeven Star MedalTreasure GrimoireGunade RingBeast EarmuffsExceed BeltPhoenix BraceletSoul BinderGlass TiaraFeather OrnamentLeather GlovesBlessed RingDusk TalismanMagic StoneCrystal RingAroma PouchRoyal CrestDark Night CapeAcrobatic ArmorTarot of FateBrother CallHand-Wound ThreadColseit FiberWhite NeutralizerBlack NeutralizerSP NeutralizerWhite PowderRainbow PowderMetal ChipsGolt BoardVarious ScrapsAncient WaterFire Lord TearsAroma MateriaFried PaperGold ThreadPrimo. MedicineOld StoneEther ClothElaborate Screw
Traditional StaffGolden Wing StaffFeather StaffSky Alchemy StaffLifetree StaffPhantom SaberGlass ShakerBlack Wing VeilCrystal FangProto PhantomSledge HeadGraviton GaleMjolnirSoul BreakerBrave BunkerRuby TalismanAqua TalismanMagic TalismanWind TalismanHoly TalismanScattershotSilver ArmRed StarterGoltriatWhite Feather 9Explorer's PackMedical BagTeak BasketDark Angel BagTraveling DoctorGreat BladeCleaverBoneshatterSlaying BladeHumming QuasarMagician's BroomPrecision BroomMeteor BroomInspector's BladeCross RapierPeerless SabreService StickMystery StickFantasy StickLight LadleMetal TurnerSingle MixerCotton ShirtSturdy ShirtKnitted ShirtStylish ShirtLeather ShirtFur ShirtChain ShirtRainbow ShirtCombat ShirtGold Thread ShirtCelestial ShirtChest PlateAlloy PlateBone PlateMagic PlateCrystal PlateJewel PlateEbony PlateScale PlateMeteor PlateDragon ScaleLeather CoatAssassin's CoatHeroic CapeDragoon Cape
Key Item
Lithograph Fragment