Atelier Wiki


  1. Souls can be acquired as carried property from lv3 Relics in Lab of Eternity, Western Reaches, and Falling Ruins, by activating rare relics field event and activating Dowsing Rod, and choosing Natural Extract, Moon Tablet, Medical Solution, or an accessory.
  2. Super Properties, Jumbo Blessing, etc. can be acquired along with the above locations, but with most relics except accessory.
  3. If there's nothing in the combination and nothing in ingredients, this property can either only be acquired by obtaining the item carrying the property, or as part of the acquired property of an item when you reach the appropriate property level
Name Combination PP Description Ingredient 1 Ingredient 2 Ingredient 3 Ingredient 4
High Price 1 Slightly increases the money from selling to shops. Soft Fur
High Price+  2 Moderately increases the money from selling items to shops. Quality Fur Verdure Grass
High Price++ Greatly increase the money from selling items to shops. Silver Hive
High Class Item High Price x High Price+ 3 Greatly increase the money from selling items to shops. Honey Melon
Rare Goods High Price+ x High Price++ Substantially increases the money from selling items to shops.
Premium Price High Class Item x Rare Goods Price for selling item to shops jumps dramatically. Golden Hive
Frame Compress 5 Cost to equip Search Equipment is reduced by 1. (It cannot go below 1.) Hard Taro Sky Wasabi Trio Taun Golden Hive
Frame Compress+  10 Cost to equip Search Equipment is reduced by 2. (It cannot go below 1.)
Max Compress Frame Compress x Frame Compress+  15 Cost to equip Search Equipment is reduced by 3. (It cannot go below 1.)
Equipment Expansion Cost to equip Search Equipment is increased by 1. (Item's effect is increased by a small amount. Big Bone Sky Wasabi
Equipment Expansion+ Cost to equip Search Equipment is increased by 2. (Item's effect is increased. Mutated Taun
Max Expand Equipment Expansion x Equipment Expansion+ Cost to equip Search Equipment is increased by 4. (Item's effect's increased. Ancient Root
Frame Reinforce 2 Increases item's effect by (equipment cost squared x3) %. Wing Plant
Frame Reinforce+ Increases item's effect by (equipment cost squared x4) %. Jelly Gem
Pricy Reinforce Frame Reinforce x Frame Reinforce+ Increases item's effect by (equipment cost squared x5) %.
Effect Up 1 Increases effect power of synthesized item by 10% Corundum Stone Rich Root River Water
Effect Up+ 2 Increases effect power of synthesized item by 15% Fresh Meat Legged Radish
Effect Up++ 4 Increases effect power of synthesized item by 20% Earth Root Antique Moss
Finely Crafted Effect Up x Effect Up+  3 Increases effect power of synthesized item by 20% Black Bone Epicure Nut Spring Water
Professional Effect Up+ x Effect Up++  6 Increases effect power of synthesized item by 30% Noble Berry
Super Quality Finely Crafted x Professional 9 Increases effect power of synthesized item by 25%
Destruction Up 1 Increases effect of Attack Items by 10% Phlogiston
Destruction Up+ 2 Increases effect of Attack Items by 20% Spiky Bud Charcoal Pieces Buoyant Gas
Destruction Up++ 3 Increases effect of Attack Items by 30% Sea Bird Egg
Very Destructive Destruction Up x Destruction Up+  3 Increases effect of item by 30%
Intense Blast Destruction Up+ x Destruction Up++ 5 Increases effect of item by 50%
Super Destructive Very Destructive x Intense Blast 8 Increases effect of item by 75%
Fixed Increase 2 Attack item is slightly enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the power, the stronger the effect. Silver Hive Fire Flower
Fixed Increase+ Attack item is enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the power, the stronger the effect.
Fixed Increase++ Attack item is greatly enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the power, the stronger the effect. Gold Spiky Fruit
Painful Numbers Fixed Increase x Fixed Increase+
Harmful Numbers Fixed Increase+ x Fixed Increase++ Attack item is greatly enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the power, the stronger the effect. Ext. Bird Egg Heaven's Branch
Deadly Numbers Painful Numbers x Harmful Numbers Attack item is massively enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the power, the stronger the effect. Dragon Core
Healing Up 1 Increases effect of healing items by 10% Aqua Light Lethe Grass Ripe Fruit Red Devil
Healing Up+ 2 Increases effect of healing items by 15% Fresh Salat Fully Ripe Fruit
Healing Up++ 3 Increases effect of healing items by 20% Honey Melon White Salat
Strong Healing Healing Up x Healing Up+ 3 Increases effect of healing items by 25% Water Source
Intense Healing Healing Up+ x Healing Up++  5 Increases effect of healing items by 35%
Extreme Healing Strong Healing x Intense Healing  8 Increases effect of healing items by 50% Time Flower
Fixed Healing Healing item is slightly enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the base power, the higher the effect. Water Flower Blue Devil
Fixed Healing+  4 Healing item is fairly enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the base power, the higher the effect. Mysterious Silk White Salat
Fixed Healing++ 6 Healing item is enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the base power, the higher the effect. Dragon Crystal
Strong Medicine Fixed Healing x Fixed Healing+ Item enhanced by set amount. Weaker base power, higher the effect. Water Source Dragon Fang
Strong Medicine+ Fixed Healing+ x Fixed Healing++ 10 Item is enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the base power, the higher the effect. Dunkelheit
Fixed Healing+++ Strong Medicine x Strong Medicine+ Item is greatly enhanced by a set amount. The weaker the base power, the higher the effect. Dragon Crystal
Critical 2 Item has a 15% chance to critically hit. Mixed Oil Wind Core
Critical+ 4 Item has a 25% chance to critically hit. Old Melon Flame Root
Critical++ Item has a 35% chance to critically hit.
Decently Crafted Critical x Critical+ 6 Item has a 40% chance to critically hit.
Critical Hit Critical+ x Critical++ Item will always critically hit.
Fatal Blow Decently Crafted + Critical Hit 15 Item will always critically hit, and cause instant kills (excluding bosses).
Reliable Effect 3 Reduces number variation, making it easier to produce larger numbers. Drying Sand
Reliable Effect+ Halves number variation, making it easier to produce larger numbers
Constant Effect Reliable Effect x Reliable Effect+ Turns number variation into a set number, always producing the largest number possible.
Recycle 4 15% chance not to consume item count during battle. Decreases amount of gauge it produces. Scrap Metal Bent Screw Rusty Cog
Recycle+ 7 25% chance not to consume item count during battle. Decreases amount of gauge it produces. Paper Scraps Dried Grass
Recycle++ 15 35% chance not to consume item count during battle. Decreases amount of gauge it produces. Junk
Low Energy Mode Recycle x Recycle+ 11 30% chance not to consume item count during battle, but decreases amount of gauge it produces.
Reuse Resources Recycle+ x Recycle++ 22 50% chance not to consume item count during battle, but decreases amount of gauge it produces.
Perpetual Motion Low Energy Mode x Reuse Resources 33 Item count does not decrease during battle, but decreases amount of gauge it produces.
10% Automatic If the alchemist's HP ever drops below 10% during battle, this item will be used. However, it decreases the amount of gauge it produces.
20% Automatic If the alchemist's HP ever drops below 20% during battle, this item will be used. However, it decreases the amount of gauge it produces. Living Clay
30% Automatic If the alchemist's HP ever drops below 30% during battle, this item will be used. However, it decreases the amount of gauge it produces. Living Tail
40% Automatic If the alchemist's HP ever drops below 40% during battle, this item will be used. However, it decreases the amount of gauge it produces.
50% Automatic 5 If the alchemist's HP ever drops below 50% during battle, this item will be used. However, it decreases the amount of gauge it produces. Junk
Use Count +1 Increases item use count by 1. Slightly reduces power. Big Milch Bean Lucky Clover
Use Count +2 Increases item use count by 2. Moderately reduces power. Heaven's Branch
Large Use Count +1 x Use Count +2 Increases item use count by 3. Ancient Root
Use Count -1 Reduces item use count by 1. Slightly increases power. Hard Taro
Use Count -2
Small Use Count -1 x Use Count -2 Reduces item use count by 5. Massively increases power.
Inherit PP +3 2 PP will increase by 3 when this item is used in Synthesis.
Inherit PP +5 3 PP will increase by 5 when this item is used in Synthesis. Garden Stone
Inherit PP +7 5 PP will increase by 7 when this item is used in Synthesis. Legged Radish
PP Expansion Inherit PP +3 x Inherit PP +5 5 PP will increase by 8 when this item is used in Synthesis. Earth Root Trio Taun
PP Enhancement Inherit PP +5 x Inherit PP +7 8 PP will increase by 12 when this item is used in Synthesis.
PP Maximization PP Expansion x PP Enhancement 13 PP will increase by 20 when this item is used in Synthesis.
HP +5 1 Increases maximum HP on armor by 5.
HP +10 2 Increases maximum HP on armor by 10. Amber Soil
HP +15 3 Increases maximum HP on armor by 15. Blaze Ore
HP Reinforcement HP +5 x HP+10 3 Increases maximum HP on armor by 15.
HP Boost HP +10 x HP +15 5 Increases maximum HP on armor by 25.
HP Max Enhance HP Reinforcement x HP Boost 8 Increases maximum HP on armor by 40.
MP +5 1 Increases maximum MP on armor by 5.
MP +10 MP +10 x MP+15 2 Increases maximum MP on armor by 10. Ultramarine Soil
MP +15 3 Increases maximum MP on armor by 15.
MP Reinforcement MP +5 x MP+10 3 Increases maximum MP on armor by 15. Golden Yarn
MP Boost 5 Increases maximum MP on armor by 25.
MP Max Enhance 8 Increases maximum MP on armor by 40.
HP/MP Boost HP Increase x MP Increase 10 Maximum HP and MP increased by 25.
Parameters +5% 2 Increases base stats by 5%.
Parameters +7% Increases base stats by 7%.
Parameters +10% Increases base stats by 10%. Bendy Materia
Reinforce Body Increases base stats by 10%.
Enhance Body 15 Increases base stats by 25%.
Attack Power +3 1 Increases weapon attack power by 3.
Attack Power +6 2 Increases weapon attack power by 6. Crimson Soil
Attack Power +9 3 Increases weapon attack power by 9.
Attack Reinforce Attack Power +3 x Attack Power +6 3 Increases attack power by 10.
Attack Boost Attack Power +6 x Attack Power +9 5 Increases attack power by 15.
Attack Surge Attack Reinforce x Attack Boost 8 Increases attack power by 25.
Defense +3 1 Increases defense power of armor by 3.
Defense +6 2 Increases defense power of armor by 6. River Wood
Defense +9 3 Increases defense power of armor by 9.
Defense Reinforce Defense +3 x Defense +6 3 Increases defense power by 10.
Defense Boost Defense +6 x Defense +9 5 Increases defense power by 15.
Defense Surge Defense Reinforce x Defense Boost 8 Increases defense power by 25.
Speed +3 1 Increases speed on accessories by 3. Mountain Feather
Speed +6 2 Increases speed on accessories by 6. Green Soil
Speed +9 3 Increases speed on accessories by 9. Beast Fang
Speed Reinforce Speed +3 x Speed +6 3 Increases speed by 10.
Speed Boost Speed +6 x Speed +9  5 Increases speed by 15. Paradise Feather
Speed Surge Speed Reinforce x Speed Boost Increases speed by 25.
Att/Def Up Attack Reinforce x Defense Reinforce 6 Increases attack + defense power by 7.
Att/Spd Up Attack Reinforce x Speed Reinforce 6 Increases attack power + speed by 7.
Def/Spd Up Defense Reinforce x Speed Reinforce 6 Increases defense power + speed by 7.
Ability Up Att/Def Up x Att/Spd Up x Def/Spd Up (2 of them) Increases all stats except resistances by 10.
Att/Def Boost Attack Boost x Defense Boost 10 Attack + defense power increased by 10.
Att/Spd Boost Attack Boost x Speed Boost 10 Attack power + speed increased by 10.
Def/Spd Boost Def Boost x Speed Boost 10 Defense power + speed increased by 10.
Boost all stats Att/Def Boost x Att/Spd Boost x Def/Spd Boost (2 of them) 20 All stats except resistances increased by 15.
Consumption -10% 2 Reduces skill MP consumption by 10%. Eagle Wing
Consumption -15%  3 Reduces skill MP consumption by 15%.
Consumption -20% 4 Reduces skill MP consumption by 20%. Diamond Gemstone
MP Use Reduced Consumption -10% x Consumption -15%  5 Reduces skill MP consumption by 20%.
MP Use Cut Consumption -15% x Consumption -20% 7 Reduces skill MP consumption by 30%. Sky Slag Stone
MP Use 1/2 MP Use Reduced x MP Use Cut 12 Reduces skill MP consumption by 50%.
Skill Power +10%  2 Increases skill power and cost.
Skill Power +15%  3 Increases skill power and cost.
Skill Power +20%  4 Increases skill power and cost.
Skill Reinforce Skill Power +10% x Skill Power +15%  5 Increases skill power and cost.
Skill Boost Skill Power +15% x Skill Power +20% 7 Increases skill power and cost. Earth Slag Stone Moon Milk
Skill Surge Skill Reinforce x Skill Surge 12 Increases skill power and cost.
Eco Skill MP Use Reduced x Skill Reinforce 10 Skill power increased by 20%. Jelly Gem
Cost Compression MP Use Cut x Skill Boost 14 Skill power increased by 30%.
Saving Skill MP Use 1/2 X Skill Surge 24 Skill power increased by 50%.
Fire Damage 3 Adds additional fire damage to attacks. Rouge Gemstone Fire Slag Stone Scorching Ore Blaze Ore
Water Damage Adds additional water damage to attacks. Blue Gemstone Liquid Crystal Ice Slag Stone
Earth Damage 3 Adds additional earth damage to attacks. Earth Stone
Wind Damage Adds additional wind damage to attacks. Green Gemstone
Crimson Blue Adds additional fire and water damage to attacks.
Verdant Gold Adds additional earth and wind damage to attacks.
Spirit Blessing Crimson Blue x Verdant Gold  12 Adds damage from all elements to attacks.
Spirit Attack Spirit Blessing x Spirit Slayer? 19 Adds damage from all elements to attacks.
Slag Slayer Attacks against Slag type enemies will always be critical hits.
Beast Slayer Attacks against Beast type enemies will always be critical hits. Beast Fang Ruler's Claw
Spirit Slayer  7 Attacks against Spirit type enemies will always be critical hits. Crystal Claw
Dragon Slayer Attacks against Dragon type enemies will always be critical hits. Dragon Scale
Poison Chance to Poison targets when dealing damage Poison Apple Ghost Cloth
Poisonfire Poison x Fire Damage Chance to Poison and adds Fire damage. Also increases attack power. Rot Snake Skin
Add WT Delay Causes some delay to an enemy's next turn when dealing damage. Smoke Mushroom Eternal Crystal
Stagnant Water Add WT Delay x Water Damage  5 Delays target's turn, and adds Water damage. Also increases HP.
Weakness  2 Chance to cause Weakness when dealing damage. Night Crystal
Binding Earth Weakness x Earth Damage Chance to cause Weakness and adds Earth damage. Also increases defense power.
Blindness  3 Chance to cause Blindness when dealing damage. Darkness Shoot
Night Wind. Blindness x Wind Damage Chance to cause Weakness and adds Wind damage. Also increases speed.
Slow Chance to cause Slow when dealing damage. Eternal Crystal
Time Spirit Slow x Spirit Attack 10 Chance to Slow target and adds damage from all elements. Also raises all stats.
All Stats +2 Increases all stats except resistances by 2. Pendelock Fluorite
All Stats +4 2 Increases all stats except resistances by 4.
All Stats +6  3 Increases all stats except resistances by 6. Dragon Scale Dragon Bone
All Stats Up All Stats +2 x All Stats +4  3 Increases all stats except resistances by 7.
All Stats +10 All Stats +4 x All Stats +6 5 Increases all stats except resistances by 10. Golden Apple
Ability Power All Stats Up x All Stats +10 Increases all stats except resistances by 20.
Damage Absorb Absorbs 3% of damage dealt to recover HP.
Damage Absorb+ Absorbs 5% of damage dealt to recover HP.
Damage Absorb++ Absorbs 7% of damage dealt to recover HP. Earth Slag Stone Black Fang
HP Absorb Damage Absorb x Damage Absorb+ 5 Absorbs 7% of damage dealt to recover HP. Moon Milk
Steal Vitality Damage Absorb+ x Damage Absorb++ 7 Absorbs 7% of damage dealt to recover HP.
Absorb Soul HP Absorb x Steal Vitality 12 Absorbs 15% of damage dealt to recover HP.
Fire Resist  1 Reduces Fire damage by 15%. Phlogiston Unburning Web
Fire Resist+ Reduces Fire damage by 25%. Scorching Ore Lava Stone Ifrit Breath Flame Root
Water Resist  2 Reduces Water damage by 15%. Aqua Light
Water Resist+ Reduces Water damage by 25%.
Wind Resist Reduces Wind damage by 15%. Wind Core
Wind Resist+ Reduces Wind damage by 25%.
Earth Resist  2 Reduces Earth damage by 15%. Earth Stone
Earth Resist+  3 Reduces Earth damage by 25%.
Crimson Blue Shield Fire Resist x Water Resist Reduces Fire and Water damage by 15%.
Verdant Gold Shield Wind Resist x Earth Resist  3 Reduces Wind and Earth damage by 15%.
Crimson Blue Barrier Fire Resist+ x Water Resist+  6 Reduces Fire and Water damage by 25%.
Verdant Gold Barrier Wind Resist+ x Earth Resist+ Reduces Wind and Earth damage by 25%.
Property Enhance 4
Property Enhance+  7 Increases item effect depending on properties. Stronger properties give a much higher effect. Jet Black Cube
Cost Bonus Property Enhance x Property Enhance+ 11 Increases item effect depending on properties. Stronger properties give a massively higher effect.
Sharp Thorns Launches extremely sharp thorns, causing large continuous damage to the target. Omega Craft
Endow Heat  5 Superheats the target, greatly decreasing their defense. Dire Bomb
Endow Cold  5 Surrounds the target in chilled air, greatly decreasing their speed. Eis Ice Bomb
Endow Sparks Generates a electrical current affecting the target's nerves, making them susceptible to status ailments. Lightning Bomb Blitz Stone
Induce Dryness Dehydrates the enemy, decreasing their ability to move, greatly reducing their attack power. Living Bomb
Searing Earth Utilizes geothermal heat to deal massive continous damage to the target. Lava Cube
Hydro Stream Manipulates an intense water current, with a high chance to slow the target. Divine Jar
Headwind Generates an intense eadwind, pushing the target's turn back a small amount. Demon Eye
Megaton Class Performs an extremely heavy attack, with a high critical chance. Titan Hammer
Lethal Dose Uses a deadly chemical with a high chance of poisoning the enemy. Poly. Poison
Fantastic Story Unleashes the poewr of the book, dealing physical damage. Part of the damage dealt heals the user's HP. Dream Book
Heavenly Wave A divine wave pours forth from the heavens, dealing a set amount of additional damage. Knowledge Book
Flame Core  6 Unleashes a blade of flames, dealing fire damage to the target. Roten Blitz
Frost Core Unleashes a blade of ice, dealing water damage to the target. Flava Blitz
Wind Core Unleashes a blade of wind, dealing wind damage to the target. Guryun Blitz
Earth Core Unleashes a blade of earth, dealing earth damage to the target. Airto Blitz
Heals Wounds Heals wounds, restoring a small amount of HP to the target. Purple Flower Healing Salve
Resonant Tone  2 Creates a pleasant mood with a high quality sound, reducing the effect of status ailments. Music Box
Panacea A medicine for all illnesses removes all status ailments from the target. SP Medicine
Calming Effect  4 Relaxes the target, restoring MP. Healing Aroma
Elixir Unleashes the power of the miracle drug, reviving the target and giving HP regen. Elixir
Dragon's Power Fills the target with the poewr of draogns, increasing the damage bonus from critical hits. Dragon's Secret
Camouflage Camouflages the target with their surroundings, increasing dodge chance. The effect lasts 5 turns. Magical Paint
Earth Armor Reduces waiting tiem after the target's next turn by a small amount. Time Watch
Protective Slag Receive a blessing from the Slag status, increasing the target's defense. The effect lasts 5 turns. Slag Statue
Goddess Blessing Receive a blessing from the Goddess, reducing physical damage taken by the target. Goddess Shield
Demon's Crucible Using magic from the demon ring, the waiting time after the next move is shortened. Demon's Crucible
Command Chime A command increases the target's speed by a large amount. Command Chime
Cures Illness Vitality filsl the target's body, increasing maximum HP by a large amoutn temporarily. Medicine Bread
Pretty Ornaments A beautiful decoration refreshes the spirit, restoring a large amount of MP. Apple Tart
Sweet Taboo A taste of the forbidden. Reduces waiting time after turns, but damage is taken every turn. Forbidden Candy
Well Preserved Preserves the target's life, automatically reviving them on their turn after being KO'd. Fruit Ration
100-Seed Power The power of countless seeds automatically revives the target after being KO'd. Apple Party
Area Bonus  3 Increases power by number of targets in area of effect x10%. Slag Heart
Area Bonus+ Increases power by number of targets in area of effect x20%.
Multiple Effect Area Bonus x Area Bonus+ Increases power by number of targets in area of effect x30%.
Number Bonus Increases power by 25/number of targets in area %. Ancient Jerky
Number Bonus+ Increases power by 50/number of targets in area %.
Single Target Number Bonus x Number Bonus+  7 Increases power by 75/number of targets in area %.
Last Use Bonus Increases item power by 30% when only 1 use is left. Slag Cable
Last Use Bonus+  4 Increases item power by 60% when only 1 use is left. Jet Black Cube
Final Attack Last Use Bonus x Last Use Bonus+ 7 Increases item power by 90% when only 1 use is left.
Quick Use  4 Reduces WT caused by using item by 10%. Power also slightly decreases. Slag Antenna
Quick Use+ 7 Reduces WT caused by using item by 20%. Power also decreases a little. Soft Leaf
Sonic Throw Fast Use x Fast Use+ 11 Reduces WT caused by using item by 30%. Power also decreases a small amount.
Count Compress 3 In exchange for using up the item in 1 use during battle, power increases by use count x5%.
Count Compress+ In exchange for using up the item in 1 use during battle, power increases by use count x10%. Buried Bomb
Power Depletion Count Compress x Count Compress+ In exchange for using up the item in 1 use during battle, power increases by use count x15%.
Count Bonus Increases item power by use count x3%
Count Bonus+ Increases item power by use count x6% Buried Bomb
Count Boost Use Compensation x Use Compensation+  7 Increases item power by use count x9%
Time Type 4 Turns a healing item into a timed effect. Effect lasts 1 turn. WT after using the item is slightly increased. Slag Heart Bitter Leaf
Time Type+  7 Turns a healing item into a timed effect. Effect lasts 2 turns. WT after using the item is slightly increased.
Item Clone Time Type x Time Type+ 11 Turns a healing item into a timed effect. Effect lasts 3 turns. WT after using the item is increased.
Traditional Soul 17 A traditional soul resides in the item, increasing inherited PP by 30.
Fire Soul 25 A fire soul resides in the item, increasing HP and attack power (Note: HP+60,, Attack+30)
Water Soul 25 A water soul resides in the item, increasing MP and defense power. (NOTE: MP+60, Defense +60)
Wind Soul 25 A wind soul resides in the item, increasing critical bonus and hit chance.
Earth Soul 25 An earth soul resides in the item, conferring resistance to delay effects and increasing healing while on standby.
Light God Soul 22 A light god resides in the item, conferring damage reversal and immunity to all status ailments.
Dark God Soul 22 A dark god resides in the item, increasing speed and reducing wait time after using skills. (NOTE: Speed +30)
Day Lord Soul 22 The lord of day resides in the item, conferring HP regeneration and a chance to avoid being KO'd. (NOTE: HP Regen +30)
Night Lord Soul 22 The lord of night resides in the item, increasing critical chance and a chance to reduce waiting time.
Holy Soul 25 A holy soul reside in the item, conferring damage conversion and reducing physical damage.
Demon Soul 25 A demon soul resides in the item, greatly increasing attack power and HP drain per turn. (NOTE: Attack +60, HP -50/turn)
Sunlight Soul 20 The soul of sunlight resides in the item, increasing all stats and fire/water resistance. (NOTE: Fire/Water Resist +30, All stats +15)
Moonlight Soul 20 The soul of moonlight resides in the item, increasing all stats and wind/earth resistance. (NOTE: Wind/Earth Resist +30, All stats +15)
Planetary Soul 20 A planetary soul resides in the item, switching HP and MP and increasing dodge chance.
Aerial Soul 20 An aerial soul resides in the item, increasing support effectiveness and support gauge.
Brave Soul 33 A brave soul resides in the item, greatly increasing skill power.
Warlord Soul 33 A warlord's soul resides in the item, adding physical damage and status effects.
Vampiric Soul 25 A vampiric soul resides in the item, returning a portion of damage dealt to the user.
Forceful Soul 33 A forceful soul resides in the item, adding additional constant damage and additional physical damage.
Vitality Soul 20 A soul of vitality resides in the item, increasing maximum HP and automatic KO revival. (NOTE: HP +100)
Loving Soul 25 A loving soul resides in the item, strengthening support abilities.
Awakened Soul 33 An awakened soul resides in the item, strenghtening level proportions.
Godkiller Power Increases item effect by 125%.
Blessed Power Increases item effect by 100%.
Auto Use 17 If alchemist's HP drops below 60% during battle, this item will be used. However, it will produce no gauge.
Perfect Body 20 HP/MP+50
Robust Body 20 Increases defense power by 50, and all stats by 25%.
Evolved Body 33 Base stats +50%
Power Overwhelm 17 Increases attack power by 20, and 10% of damage dealt is absorbed as HP recovery.
Expert Technique 25 Increases skill power by 50%, and reduces skill MP consumption by 25%.
All Around Boost 20 Increases item power by (90/number of targets in area)% + (number of targets in area x40)%.
Last Strike Item power increases by 150% when only 1 use remains.
Mach Throw 25 Reduces WT caused by using item by 50%.
One Time End In exchange for using the item up in 1 use, its power increases by (use count x20)%.
Enhance Count
Enhance Count+
??? Enhance Count x Enhance Count+
Auto Material Turns healing item into a timed effect, and also be used if the alchemist's HP ever drops below 25%.
Skillful Attack 25 Adds very high physical damage to attacks. Skill power also greatly increases.
Changing Attack 20 Adds set additional damage to attacks. Skill power also increase.
Persisting Attack 20 Adds large additional damage to attacks. Damage variation is large, but skill power also greatly increases.
Follow-up Attack 9 Adds a large amount of additional physical damage to attacks. Skill power increases a small amount. Mantis Blade
Comet Attack 17 Adds damage from the 4 elements, and adds a chance to poison/blind/weaken the target. Also increases skill power. Aurora Stone
Fire Curse  5 Reduces target's fire resistance by 20. Crimson Soil
Water Curse  5 Reduces target's water resistance by 20. Ultramarine Soil
Wind Curse  5 Reduces target's wind resistance by 20. Green Soil
Earth Curse  5 Reduces target's earth resistance by 20. Amber Soil
Jumbo Blessing 33 Strengthens item effect by (equip cost squared x8)%
Secret Healing Increases healing item effect by a large amount. Increase is inversely proportional to the original amount.
Super Properties  33 Item effect strengthened by properties on item. Stronger properties add higher amounts of power.
HP/MP Reinforce Maximum HP and MP increased by 15.
HP/MP Boost Maximum HP and MP increased by 25. Mysterious Silk
HP/MP Surge Maximum HP and MP increased by 40.
Fairy Power  2 Adds HP regeneration and reduces physical damage taken. Effect is weak. Fairy Soul
Invulnerable Adds HP regeneration and reduces physical damage taken. Effect is fairly weak. Diamond Gemstone
Ancient Power Adds HP regeneration and reduces physical damage taken. Effect is moderate. Sky Slag Stone Sky King Fossil
Hunter's Senses Increases critical change and hit chance. Effect is weak. Ruler's Claw
Sharpened Senses Increases critical change and hit chance. Effect is fairly weak. Crystal Claw
Absolute Senses Increases critical change and hit chance. Effect is fairly moderate. Sky King Fossil
Light Movement Increases dodge chance, and chance to avoid being KO'd. Effect is weak. Unburning Web
Show Illusions Increases dodge chance, and chance to avoid being KO'd. Effect is fairly weak. Rough Disk
Evade Danger Increases dodge chance, and chance to avoid being KO'd. Effect is moderate. Paradise Feather
Evade Ailments 2 Reduces effectiveness of status ailments. Effect is weak. Pendelock
Weaken Ailments 4 Reduces effectiveness of status ailments. Effect is fairly weak. Fairy Soul
Relieve Ailments Reduces effectiveness of status ailments. Effect is moderate.
4-Heaven Barrier Increases all resistances by 10. Dragon Fang
4-God Barrier 17 Increases all resistances by 20. Dragon Crystal
Vitality Boost Stimulate one's life force to temporarily boost endurance. Maximum HP increases by 10%. Dragon Tail
Spirit Medicine A mysterious flower increases healing effect, adding HP and MP healing. Dunkelheit
Detoxifier Heals poison status. White Flower Moss Grass Bitter Grass Purple Flower
Erases Illness Heals weakness and poison status. Clean Water Bitter Grass
Erases Ailments Heals all status ailments. Spring Water Noble Berry
Ease Feelings  2 Recovers a small amount of MP. Green Apple Purify Block Honey Poppy
Calming Effect  4 Recovers a limited amount of MP. Purify Block Lotus
Dragon's Blood  10 Strengthen the target's stats temporarily. Effect is stronger against more powerful foes. Dragon Bone
Active Effect Increases all of the target's stats. Effect lasts 5 turns. Gold Meat
Golden Aegis  8 Reduces damage of the next attack on the target by 25%. Golden Apple
Binding  2 Delays the target's turn a small amount. Soul Vine
Prism Light The target has a chance to be affected with random status effects. Aurora Stone
Power Word Deals additional physical damage against the target, and slightly reduces their attack power. Word Stone-Star
Shield Word Deals additional set damage to the target, and slightly reduces their defense power. Word Stone-Moon
Fast Word Slightly delays the target's turn, and slightly reduces their speed. Word Stone-Sun
Life Word Deals physical damage to the target, and returns a portion to the user as HP recovery. Word Stone-Sea
Mental Word Deals cotninuous damage to the target, and reduces their dodge chance. Word Stone-Sea
Soul Bind Has a chance to slow the target. Black Bone
Life Drain Slightly reduces the target's maximum HP. The effect becomes stronger with higher max HP. Rot Snake Skin
Purifying Curse Deals a large amount of set damage to the target. King's Wing
Enhance WT  5 Increases item power a small amount proportional to waiting time after use. Mossy Driftwood
Enhance WT+ Increases item power a fair amount proportional to waiting time after use. Empty Core
Charge Item Enhance WT x Enhance WT+ 15 Increases item poewr proportional to waiting time.
Power Throw Increases item power a small amount in exchange for increasing waiting time. Bendy Materia
Power Throw+ Increases item power in exchange for increasing waiting time. Empty Core
Powerful Throw Power Throw x Power Throw+ 15 Greatly increases item poewr in exchange for increasing waiting time.
Heal Deep Wounds The target recovers HP. The effect is moderate. Refuel Ointment
Analgesic Rduces physical damage taken by the target by 10%. Red Flower
Miracle Water Revives the target, and recovers HP. Holy Chalice
Elixir Source Greatly heals the target's HP and MP. Elixir Base
Slag Wave 16 Increases the support gauge a small amount. Slag Essence
Angelic Healing Allows the target to avoid being KO's 1 time. Angel Powder
Tasty Healing Target recovers HP. Amount healed increases with maximum HP. Epicure Nut Traveler's Ration Healthy Ration Veggie Soup etc.
Preventative Reduces effectiveness of status ailments on the target. Curing Powder
Sharpness Boost 2 Adds additional physical damage to attacks & skills, and increases skill power. Effect is very low. Glass Core
Explosive Boost 4 Adds additional physical damage to attacks & skills, and increases skill power. Effect is fairly low.
Aggression Boost 6 Adds additional physical damage to attacks & skills, and increases skill power. Effect is low.
Condition Attack 17 Adds additional damage to attacks & skills when the target is affected by status effects. Black Fang
Fatal Attack Adds additional physical damage to attacks & skills. Power increases as target's HP decreases. King's Wing
Slow Movement Slightly delays the target's turn. Slag Memory
Steal Att Power Temporarily steals some attack power from the target and adds it to your own. Word Stone-Star
Steal Def Temporarily steals some defense power from the target and adds it to your own. Word Stone-Moon
Steal Spd Temporarily steals some speed from the target and adds it to your own. Word Stone-Sun
4-Heavens Attack 14 Adds powerful damage from all elements to attacks. Time Flower
4-God Attack  20 Adds extremely powerful damage from all elements to attacks. Dragon Core
Purifies Air 4 Creates pure air, giving the target HP regeneration. Healing Cloud
Slag Figure Reduces all enemy's stats with the power of a mysterious statue. Effect lasts 5 turns. Slag FIgure
Sweet Melting 2 A delicious sweetness restore the target's MP. Clear Jelly
Pain Relief 2 Reduces the target's perception of pain, reducing physical damage. Heal Bandage
Water of Life 4 Water infused with the power of life revives the target. Cup of Life
See Clearly 2 The target becomes able to track movements easily, increasing their critical chance. Eye-opener
Magic Mountain 6 Montain of pancakes assaults target, restoring HP. The amount restored increases with max HP. Pancake Stack
Sweet Heal 4 Target recovers a small amount of HP. Amount healed increases with maximum HP. Fruit Pie
Absorb Soul 15% life steal
Heroic Soul Increase abilities against powerful foes and bosses
Dimensional Gap 10 Drags the target between dimensions, pushing their turn back. Dimension Bomb