Atelier Wiki

"White fairy tales that only carry maidens. Except the ones in Arls just attack me full-force. Does that mean I'm not a maiden!?"
— Atelier Meruru Description

The Unicorn is an enemy encountered in Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland.

The Unicorn is first encountered as a mini boss at Harmony Creek, and defeating it is one of the development quests. Once disposed of, the player will receive 20 development points towards the Kingdom. They are seen in other locations of Arls as a regular enemy after this point.

They are one of the only enemies in the game that drops a Unicorn Horn.

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Atelier Meruru Monsters
Regular Encounters
AphostolBarrel SquirrelBasalt DragonBehemothBerserkerBlack DemonBlazing PenguinBlue PuniBunny PuniCarrot BunnyCrystal PixieFighting GoatFire PixieFlamareFlora PixieFresvergGan CeannGhostGiant BugGold-haired RamGreen PuniGriffonianGuardianIce PixieIron BunnyIsle FishJagd WolfLiving ArmorMandragoraNohornPenguin MonkPhantom KnightPrickly BunnyRaum LizardReptalienRiotous StallionRocSalamandraScare PhantomScissor BugSpectreSpike BugT. Bomb SquirrelTropical PenguinTurnip BunnyUnicornWarlordWitch RoseWolf
AirshatterDear ElementDeath WingDual ReaperElder GriffonEternity GoddessForest SpiritFran PfeilDragonGhost BoxHell MaidenMasked GLizard ChiefPterosaurRage BeastTwilight MaidenWyvernVoid Maiden
DLC Bosses
Hammer BunnyHeaven's DragonMachina of GodSquirmeruerrelSquirronaTotoirrelTower's Devil