Atelier Wiki
Atelier Wiki

This page is a complete list of the weapons that appear in Atelier Sophie: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Book.


Staves are equipped by Sophie.

Name Lv HP MP LP DMG ATK DEF SPD Enh. slots Ingredients
Starting Staff 6 - - - 1-3 3 - - 6 Ingot x1
(Wood) x1
(Ore) x1
90 cole
Flourish Heart 14 - - - 3-6 8 - - 6 Stahl Metal x1
Mossy Driftwood x1
(Wood) x1
(Ore) x1
130 cole
Wandering Staff 24 3 3 3 7-12 15 3 3 5 Silvalia x1
Kifa x1
(Ore) x1
(Animal) x1
250 cole
Prosper Heart 32 4 4 4 8-15 23 4 4 5 Golt Aizen x1
Spruce x1
(Wood) x1
(Gem) x1
400 cole
Eternal Cycle Staff 42 5 5 5 13-23 35 5 5 3 Harmonium x1
Forgotten Wood x1
(Metal) x1
(Gem) x1
1600 cole


Rapiers are equipped by Monika.

Name Lv HP MP LP DMG ATK DEF SPD Enh. slots Ingredients
Formal Rapier 8 - - - 1-4 4 - - 6 Ingot x1
(Ore) x1
(Thread) x1
100 cole
Brave Rapier 18 - - - 5-8 10 - - 6 Stahl Metal x1
(Ore) x1
(Animal) x1
(Thread) x1
170 cole
Knight's Rapier 28 - 10 - 9-13 17 - 8 5 Silvalia x1
Smouldering Stone x1
(Metal) x1
(Cloth) x1
520 cole
Hero's Rapier 34 - 12 - 12-17 25 - 10 5 Rubilium x1
Golt Aizen x1
(Gem) x1
(Cloth) x1
600 cole
Monika's Estoc 40 - 15 - 17-26 40 - 12 3 Harmonium x1
Forgotten Gem x1
(Metal) x1
(Thread) x1
1500 cole


Shovels are equipped by Oskar.

Name Lv HP MP LP DMG ATK DEF SPD Enh. slots Ingredients
Earth Shovel 5 - - - 1-3 3 - - 6 Ingot x1
(Wood) x1
(Ore) x1
80 cole
Idle Shovel 13 - - - 5-12 9 - - 6 Stahl Metal x1
Mossy Driftwood x1
(Ore) x1
(Animal) x1
140 cole
Heaven's Shovel 23 6 - - 9-17 17 9 - 5 Silvalia x1
(Clay) x1
(Wood) x1
(Metal) x1
330 cole
Shovel of Hope 33 8 - - 12-21 25 10 - 5 Rubilium x1
Geist Aizen x1
(Wood) x1
(Gem) x1
400 cole
Bountiful Harvester 43 10 - - 17-28 47 12 - 3 Harmonium x1
Forgotten Ore x1
(Wood) x1
(Secret Power) x1
1500 cole


Greatswords are equipped by Julio.

Name Lv HP MP LP DMG ATK DEF SPD Enh. slots Ingredients
Knight Blade 9 5 - - 3-7 7 - - 6 Ingot x1
(Ore) x1
(Clay) x1
100 cole
Breaker 18 10 - - 7-12 13 - - 6 Stahl Metal x1
(Ore) x1
(Clay) x1
(Animal) x1
170 cole
Paladin Blade 24 15 - - 10-15 21 - - 5 Silvalia x1
Smoldering Stone x1
(Clay) x1
(Cloth) x1
370 cole
Banisher 34 20 - - 16-24 30 - - 5 Rubilium x1
Golt Aizen x1
(Clay) x1
(Secret Power) x1
500 cole
Evandeit 44 25 - - 21-30 51 - - 3 Harmonium x1
Forgotten Ore x1
(Gem) x1
(Secret Power) x1
1500 cole


Gauntlets are equipped by Corneria.

Name Lv HP MP LP DMG ATK DEF SPD Enh. slots Ingredients
Steel Gauntlet 9 - - - 2-5 5 - - 6 Ingot x1
Aizen Ore x1
(Cloth) x1
180 cole
Roaring Thunder 19 - - - 5-9 11 - - 6 Stahl Metal x1
Lightning Bomb x1
(Cloth) x1
(Secret Power) x1
350 cole
Puni Gauntlet 26 6 6 - 9-14 19 - - 5 Silvalia x1
Puniball x1
(Cloth) x1
320 cole
Resplendent Frost 35 8 8 - 13-20 27 - - 5 Stahl Metal x1
Ice Bomb x1
(Cloth) x1
(Secret Power) x1
600 cole
Devouring Flame 38 10 10 - 20-27 44 - - 3 Harmonium x1
Forgotten Gem x1
(Ori Bomb) x1
(Secret Power) x1
1900 cole


Bullets are equipped by Harol.

Name Lv HP MP LP DMG ATK DEF SPD Enh. slots Ingredients
Metal Bullets 8 - - - 4-8 7 - - 6 Ingot x1
(Ore) x1
(Gunpowder) x1
100 cole
Piercing Bullets 18 - - - 8-13 15 - - 6 Stahl Metal x1
(Metal) x1
(Gunpowder) x1
260 cole
Crystal Bullets 24 - - - 12-18 23 - - 5 Silvalia x1
Smouldering Stone x1
(Gunpowder) x1
280 cole
Diamant 34 - - - 17-27 32 - - 5 Rubilium x1
Golt Aizen x1
(Gunpowder) x1
(Secret Power) x1
500 cole
Wild Cat 39 - - - 22-32 53 - - 3 Harmonium x1
Forgotten Part x1
(Gunpowder) x1
(Secret Power) x1
1400 cole


Spears are equipped by Leon.

Name Lv HP MP LP DMG ATK DEF SPD Enh. slots Ingredients
Maiden's Spear 10 - - - 2-5 5 - - 6 Ingot x1
(Wood) x1
(Gem) x1
120 cole
Madcat Spear 18 - - - 5-9 11 - - 6 Stahl Metal x1
Kifa x1
(Gem) x1
(Ore) x1
180 cole
Lady's Spear 24 - - - 9-13 18 3 6 5 Rubilium x1
Black Orb x1
Spruce x1
(Gem) x1
370 cole
White Panther 29 - - - 12-19 26 4 8 5 Golt Aizen x1
Spruce x1
(Wood) x1
(Gem) x1
400 cole
Vivid Spear 39 - - - 17-27 42 5 10 3 Harmonium x1
Forgotten Gem x1
(Wood) x1
(Secret Power) x1
1400 cole

Dual blades[]

Dual blades are equipped by Fritz.

Name Lv HP MP LP DMG ATK DEF SPD Enh. slots Ingredients
Demon Slayer 10 - - - 3-6 6 - - 6 Ingot x1
(Ore) x1
(Clay) x1
110 cole
Dark Light 18 - - - 6-10 12 - - 6 Stahl Metal x1
Kupulf Ore x1
(Clay) x1
(Cloth) x1
260 cole
Demon God Slayer 25 - - - 9-15 19 - 10 5 Rubilium x1
Suspicious Liquid x1
(Clay) x1
(Cloth) x1
360 cole
True Dark Light 35 - - - 15-23 28 - 15 5 Golt Aizen x1
(Clay) x1
(Gem) x1
(Secret Power) x1
400 cole
Light of Dawn 45 - - - 20-30 48 - 20 3 Harmonium x1
Forgotten Ore x1
(Gem) x1
(Secret Power) x1
1500 cole


Bracelets are equipped by Plachta. They allow her to control the Hexe Auris, the arm weapons she uses.

Name Lv HP MP LP DMG ATK DEF SPD Enh. slots Ingredients
Moon Caller 7 - - - 9-14 20 - - 6 Ingot x1
Pretty Shell x1
(Gem) x1
(Ore) x1
110 cole
Aura Bangle 15 - - - 10-17 23 - - 6 Stahl Metal x1
Pendeloch x1
(Metal) x1
(Secret Power) x1
280 cole
Cosmo Caller 25 10 6 - 12-19 28 - - 5 Rubilium x1
Night Crystal x1
(Gem) x1
(Secret Power) x1
320 cole
Arch Bangle 34 12 8 - 14-21 33 - - 5 Golt Aizen x1
Rainbow Crystal x1
(Metal) x1
(Secret Power) x1
500 cole
Bright Night 39 16 10 - 18-27 49 - - 3 Harmonium x1
Forgotten Part x1
Crimson Stone x1
(Secret Power) x1
2100 cole